My Family

My Family

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Some days...

Some days are just like that.

Woke up,got kicked by a little guy in my bed along with the husband too=abby can't sleep cause there is no more room in the bed.

Tim left for work. Me, being half awake, began making coffee in our brand new coffee maker.  Except once it started working, it started SPEWING ALL OVER THE PLACE.  Man. My counter, the floor, my shirt, my hands, etc.  Coffee smell.=no coffee first thing in the morning.  (a MUST)

Getting ready for work was normal.  Luke and I did our normal routine.  Except he wanted the cheerios that daddy gave him last night.  (with sugar)  He threw his cheerio cup all over the living room floor and there, lo and behold, 1000 cheerios were everywhere......

So Luke and I talked before we went to school, hugged, said I love you, and told him that we needed to start the day over.  He was excited to immediately see his sweet teacher's yellow jeep in the parking lot and that perked his spirits.

And so went the day.....permanent marker on the dry erase board, etc etc etc.

I decided that Luke and I needed to have fun so we went to Toys R Us after school.  Went down every aisle, looking mostly at bikes, jeeps, and cars.  It was really fun.  And he is at the age that we still can walk out of the store without having to buy a thing and he is satisfied.

Came home, made dinner for L, and put together puzzles.  This kid does not get his brains from me.  I still struggle to put the simplest puzzles together.  My sweet neighbors gave us a United States puzzle that has 51 pieces, so Luke "matched them" to the box.  WAY better result that I expected.  =)  He did really well and we had a good time.

My sweet dad came over and we ate and talked about life while Luke played around us and then watched a curious george.  Priceless to be near.

When we went to bed, I let him pick which bed he wanted to sleep in.  (by the way, this kid does NOT, absolutely DOES NOT want to go to bed. ever. period.)  He picked mine, so we hopped up, and I brought home a chapter bk to read to him.  We read 47 pages tonight.  It is the same book I am reading to my first graders out loud.  And when I asked him questions, I was surprised that he could answer them. sweet cuddle time.  sweet teaching time.

Oh, and no fights about bed.  He closed his eyes and was out.  A gift.  I needed that.

Sometimes, the worst mornings end  up to be the best days.  I would say Luke and I had an excellent day with each other. And, being a proud mommy is even better.

I have pictures....but, they will come later.  Too tired to upload.  =)

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