My Family

My Family

Thursday, August 25, 2011


School started this week.  New School.  New grade.  New Drive.  New routine.  I LOVE IT.  We don't start until 8:30, which is awesome and that means that Luke has time to wake up without being totally grumpy, and I have time to drink my enormous cup of coffee while watching Dora with my son without having to stir at all.  My 12 kids are amazing.  They are little and they want to hold my hand as we walk down the hallway.  They LOVE writing on the Active Board. They love rhyming, clapping syllables, and recognizing and punching vowels when they see them. They ask tons and tons of questions, and they are happy to learn about anything.  They get excited when they are caught being just plain good.  They say "yes!" when it is time for reading and math.  They clean up fast because they love their recess time.  We have a snack break everyday and get to eat a healthy snack and go on a walk.  I love this and believe in this.  I can pray with my staff, have devotions everyday with my students, and play music all day long on Pandora.  It is quiet when it is working time.  Talkative when it is creative or playtime.  I have met the cutest moms and dads.  My heart is not heavy.  My heart does not know weight at the moment.  My heart is so content.  I have energy when I come home.  It takes me 1o minutes to copy things for the entire next week because there are only 24 kids in the whole grade, and we have workbooks too.  (i love those things)  I can still wear my chacos and mismatch my clothes and have messy hair, because that is me and I am artsy.  I haven't started teaching 4th grade art yet.  I think that is next Friday's schedule to start thinking about it.  Happy to be involved with that too.  Happy to come home and drop off Susan a cold slushie from Sonic today in the middle of Normal Park's carpool because I was already home and done with school.  I signed up for a 5 week bible study at Calvary Chapel and went last night for the first time.  Sat with sweet friends from NP ,and Becca, who is Luke's teacher and also favorite woman at the moment because she drives a yellow jeep and he doesn't stop talking about her.  Ends up she is my group leader and her husband Marco is Tim's.  Such a God thing.  Never done the church thing in the middle of the week, but I think it is going to be fun.  I have met so many neat people this past month in our new places.  New people at the fire station with Tim, new people at St .Peter's, new people at Northside Learning Center, new people at the pool, church, etc....  It is fun to talk about life with them, and not focus so much on talking about school as I am so used to.  I am doing crafts at home almost every night because it is fun and I am so motivated to have an Etsy shop in September.  Luke and I are reading LOTS- harder books, non fiction books, just because he asks too. (confession:  we really like to watch a show every night too, so lately it has been either Dora or Diego.  I am okay with that.....I have learned a lot of spanish words that I didn't know before!)  God is always at work.....He continues to stir my heart in so many different directions as a wife and a mom most be the best that I can be and to work on those relationships before all else.  It is hard but I am trying and praying that I can be better.  I have also been to the pool a whole much in fact that my skin is as tan as it can get I think, and I don't think my tan lines will ever fade at this point.  I LOVE the sun warmed on my skin.  Makes me happy.

Those are my thoughts this Thursday night.  Content.  Ready for Friday.  Happy that I don't care if it is the weekend or not....because everyday this week has been good so far.  My little new guy in my class shouted at me this afternoon....."Mrs. Bryant, I just LOVE you"......and ran up and gave me the sweatiest hug ever......If everyday could be like that.  =)

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