My Family

My Family

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Luke isms.... I was reading Luke the bible tonight when he noticed the picture of Jesus. He looked at his feet and said, "hey, jesus wore chaos like us! How cool is that?" This weekend, he was sitting in the back while Tim was driving. All of the sudden, he starts singing( not surprising) in the tune of god our father ( also not surprising) a little song......I have boogers....I have boogers...yes I do. Yes, I do......". ;) oh, boys. He currently is singing to his b's while in his bed still up: ( in the tune of abc s) I went potty all by myself, I went potty with out mummy's help...." thought that was cute. This kid is a singer and has a love for music. I pray that continues. I have also realized that we will be thinking up some more songs to teach the kid. God our father is great, and so are the a b c s but might need a little variety. The kid has a good heart, despite having a hard weekend of lots of being defiant and trying out the will power. ( seriously? Two first borns, they marry, and have another first born. Hmmm, there are three first borns, strong willed, and stubborn. Someone should do a case study on us. ). Luke was in his class at church and they said when they asked what to pray for, he raised his hand and told them that we needed to pray for his mommy to have a baby her belly. So sweet. ( not yet. He asks daily now) Strong willed yes. Defiant...yes. Tender? Very. The kids tells me a hundred times a day that he loves me. Everyone should experience that.


  1. love the chacos comment! better prepare myself for some silly boy stuff :)
